
A clone of thee

I perceive you within me
like a mirror image of me

a clone of thee
infinite like thee.

A moment lived in balance.

Such great importance
is placed -
on a-moment lived
in balance

graced with bliss -
increased peace
in the abyss
of unbalance -

amidst diversities
of blessed adversities.  

Since the inception of these visitors in the reception corridors.

Since the inception of these visitors in the reception corridors:
Menacing killer hornets, entering a beehive -
Like soldiers - defending bees' - fighting to save the beehive strive -
Like with menacing thoughts -awareness- defending consciousness' doors. 

I love you as

I love you as the bee loves its nectar, sweet
or as the flowers that bloom and spread -
the fragrance within, uninhibited, give to the wind, its perfumed fleet,
or as if you were the last supper's, wine and bread.

I don't love you, as if you were my first love
or my last love, but the only true love I've known:
I love you as my heart, loves the realm of the unknown,
blissful soul – Joyful - between the common and truelove.

I love you as the plants love the bright light,
or as the nocturnal birds, and night hunters, love darkness:
carrying your light within me, to not living in darkness -
carrying your love, as perfumed life, at night and day light.

I love you from the known, blissful, to the unknown, in fullness:
I love you without time, without space, with no boundaries,
as I know no other form, to love, in joyful emptiness -
I loved you yesterday, today, and tomorrow, as in love stories:

when I lovingly caress your lips, I am caressing mine in oneness,
when I say I love you - your voice is saying it -
when your body sleeping on top of mine, is one unit,
When I wake up with your awaken-ness, in our shared awareness. 

Fomenting living the moment

You flourished in verses, you vanished perverse curses,
you consumed universes, you revived corpses,
you created consciousness, you destroyed evil selflessness:
Oh awareness of blessings, oh soul's stirrings awaken-ness!
Oh lost discoverer, perceiver, open well of wellness, and calmness,
Oh source of order, chaos, and randomness -
to you I implore! Let me always your awareness explore!
Oh, let me count ways, to say, to you, I adore.

It's the time to see - the time for me to be -
and be free from lonesomeness, in oneness with thee.
It's the moment to fully and truly feel!
To foment living the moment, and unreel:

God's wheel-will
and to meet, the sweet, sweet joyful torment,
of God's sent truth reel, in blissful awe, still.
So that I constantly live, fully awakened, every moment.

Only the dim dark shadow, of aging afflicts me!

It's the time to depart, to the sublime and apart time
that consciousness is subject to - to experience awareness in its prime:
The whistling sound of the wind, echoing in my breathing.
Flashing fireflies, like bar lightning in the skies. Thundering! -

Like stars that shine, as emperor of skies, your eyes shine.
Emigrate flying the shooting stars, like herds of birds emigrate -
emigrate up-high, twinkling as fireflies, as flashing thoughts, disintegrate.
Engrossed, like feelings in awakenings, like absorbed in the divine.

Only the dim dark shadow, of aging afflicts me!
Only the remorse, of low time now, with thee, afflicts me.
Ah the whim of wildflowers, blooming in the meadow.
Oh, only the cloudy steam, of your wings in my shadow.

Ah, but beyond time. Ah, but beyond sometime in time.
Is the time, to tell time to stop! So, meantime.
I in spirit, beyond time grow.
The shadow of the blooming meadow of your spirit, glow. 

It's again you!

Because I pause, to receive nibbles and pebbles of you.
Because I caused ripples, in your paused silence.
In the dark silence of the night, a spark of your essence
ah! Your sweet, sweet presence. It's again you!

Advancing, marching, as the moon - over the traveling waters.
My life moves, as rushing clouds, as days passing.
The weeks advancing like minutes. With no motives? My life's shortening!
The darkening clouds are clustering, thickening, as menacing sky's waters.

As the darkening feelings of aging, as menacing clouds advance.
A raven of dark, dark outfit insists on talking,
as if the spirit of a beloved, were trying -
insisting on greeting or saying something in ambience of trance.

At times they gathered, crying, mourning the dear departed.
At times they were welcoming my spirit, amongst the living.
At times my spirit is connecting, to all species of living.
As if we all animals, plants, and humans, living or departed:

were all the same soul and same love - from above sharing?
As if we all were connected, growing, and together life enjoying.

Just take them as they come.

Don't mind them!
Don't fear them!
Don't like them or dislike them ever, ever!
Just take them as they come forever, and ever!

They appear to be your allies!
They disappear as ghosts in dark aisles,
they inspire endearing happiness or abhor-renting fear -
they are neither your enemies, nor anything dear.

They'll heal or kill
if you entertain them and follow.
They will leave you full or hollow-
they'll make you whole or make you ill.

They're your thoughts you can feel!...
Or just let thoughts appear and disappear and in joy kneel -
just let them come and go,
and let all fear or courage go!

Just let them be thought after thought,
that the infinite ocean of infinity brought,
to the shores of your awaken awareness.
So you continue to be absorbed in pure consciousness. 

The unbounded place that is neither a place nor a bounded space.

Here love, peace, bliss, and fortitude - is in this sanctuary:
the quest of plenitude of men, women and any higher being:
this treasured place, is permeated of grace and healing,
is this place the most exalted feelings reliquary:

yet, its neither a place, nor a bounded space,
yet it’s there, unbounded place, where the soul resides,
here, where goodness endures, and pure consciousness abides:
praise to a place in your heart, expanding in grand grace -

here and there, everywhere, where the infinite corridors are,
is your heart's soul - an universe to its birthplace expanding,
praise! To your mind that travels unveiling
and unravels the sweet taste of life and of being aware:

exalted! Be life with awaken awareness of your aware mind,
glorious! Be the moment lived, while being conscious aware.
Oh, those brave silent ocean waters, and moment at infinite's stare,
ah those sea's bliss swirls, that mind, body and soul bind:

oh, those deep-sea calmness caves and steep lovingness reefs -
were, are and will aware be, your breath in my lungs,
your blood flowing in mine, your thoughts in poems and songs,
this vast starred firmament and dark-blue as the night's motifs:

this unboundedness of the complexity of oneness
this endless simplicity of loving kindness,
this life in the abys of bottomless awaken-ness -
beyond the burning suffering and grief – in full fullness’ oneness. 

Be like

Be like the godlike alchemist
that transforms useless forms of metals
into the useful gold in gold medals.
Or like the blacksmith that as a bladesmith,
a chemist is becoming - manipulating atoms - forging swords!
Or be like the writer or poet, to transform words
into beautiful plays, or songs, or books or poems.
Or be like the leader that with emblems and stronger proems,
and wisdom and zest lead and inspire others -
and as a motivational speaker - that transform others!

Or be like a shaman or guru or mental alchemist,
to transform bad habits into good habits,
and replacing fears into courageous bits -
of inner strength - amidst
adversities and doubts, about what the future holds.
Or be like “that-artist”, that with clay your soul’s container molds:
Or like a happy entertainer be,
that all small or large bad into good and laugher see,
Or be like the lover and seeker of truth –
That smaller or greater sooth in his path sleuth. 

Come to taste

come to taste
the peace
that lies in
breaching within

the most revered
host covered
with colored flesh
networked infinite-mesh

of refreshing bliss
In this
body and soul
with oversoul.

Let it flow from within

O infinite source of truelove.
O sweetest nectar of passion.
O unbearable bliss from above!

Let bliss rush with effusion,
Like brave rapid waters crash
with rocks, with humans' clash!

Let it outpour joy with profusion.
Let my chest shatter open,
pour in truelove's passion infusion!

Cut devotion loose, so then!
True faith ripens at last!
To fuse with the vast

of abundance
of inner over-love

from above!

What has meaning

What has meaning -
Is not living,
In this body. But awakenings:
being somebody with feelings; beginnings

or consummated experiencing’s, of daily
blossoming’s of blessings. That readily
willingly and effortlessly, are revealing -
the inner loving fire, of my soul unveiling:

Oh, all-pervading, always abiding, and burning self-awareness -
of being cognoscenti of perpetual joyfulness.
What could more meaningful be?
If not having a soul, an inner fire of me
in thee?

Oh thinking beings, humans and such,
Stop thinking, thus engaging in feeling such,
Inner-soul delight experiencing’s! Such magnanimous birthright!
Why not without a fight,
allow yourselves, the unveiling once or twice,
of your innermost reality, of your inner fire at once?
Just feel!... and kneel, before the oversoul's presence!
Because if you don't, those sanctum moments of cognizance
of your Insoul! Won't stop you from your hurting spree!
Just be kind to yourself, allow yourself to be, to be free.

Because what has meaning -
Is not living -
In this body confined, forbidding ourselves to awaken live!
Is living in an awakened soul, and to us, true living give. 

The single most important thing having In life

The single most important thing having
In life
is not want and getting. Is experiencing:
which we all have boldly strife
to have
or avoid happily having or feeling:
but avoiding
the void. Or seeking that suave
slave flavoring
of mouthwatering feeling of experiencing -
self-interweave -
with the true self within and around -
when witness
the benevolence of the witness
in blissfulness unbound; silence...fullness.
What greater thing having in life
there is?
Than, this moment living in greater bliss,
The single most important thing
In life!

So I don't hurt

and now
you must think
badly now
how I think

I never meant
forgive me
I only meant:
see me

I am hurting
to see
you too hurting
just see -

feel and enjoy
the joy
just be...enjoy
true joy

I don't hurt 

Little by little I carry the ocean to a drop

Am I a drop in an infinite ocean?
or am I the ocean in an infinite or finite drop? -
Little by little I carry the infinite ocean,
to a finite bounded drop:

little by little I carry the boundless infinite,
to the bounded finite.
Little by little I cognize thee -
in me, and me in thee:

I am a drop,
In an infinite ocean
of boundless and countless drop after drop.
Thou art more than the countless drops in your infinite ocean.

I am a boundless drop in thee:
the infinite ocean is in me!
I am a bounded-drop with the infinite ocean.
I am a boundless drop that fuses in the infinite ocean -

I am in thee...thou art in me -
I am complete and free being with thee.
And you free me, being not the bounded me.
I am thee -

and I am the bounded, boundless me. 

I am a drop in an infinite ocean!
And I am the infinite ocean -
in a bounded, but infinite drop ...
I am the drop that carried within the ocean.

I dive deep within me to seek for thee

I dive deep within me,
to seek for thee.

I turn to my left, I hear you here,
I turn to my right, and you are there.
I glance below me, to see the great seer,
I gaze high above, to meet with amaze the overseer.

I search the foreseer around me, to be cognizant awake of thee,
then deep be in a state of being, to thee and me see.
And then letting go and be, to burst in loving flare.
I travel far and near, to clear bear of thee be aware.

I dive deep within me to seek for thee,
and behold thou art here -
and thou art there everywhere
with me - inside and around me.

Within you

You look at me
but you don’t see my-self.

You close your eyes to see
deep within yourself.

And so, you can see me
seeing your true-self.

I talk to you
but you don't hear me.

I whisper within you
so you do hear me.

Experiencing the awe of aware awakening

Experiencing the awe of aware awakening,
cognizing your renaissance essence while experiencing,
and then cognoscenti of realizing thee.
I cognize not three,
but one full effulgence
and one full presence. 

One fulfilled desire

Thou art the gardener
consciousness is

the fertile ground fields
my seed 

is a faint wish
one bud-shoot-thought

of a plant is
one fulfilled desire 

Memories are free

Memories are free, and non-lastly
- fortunately! -
otherwise, no wealth in the world could afford them,
and no space could be large enough, to store them.
Specially yours that is pure treasure - more than gold -
more than precious rare stones – more valuable than any gem
And larger than the universe, as the universe and me hold.

yours are lastly

you fill the infinitely many empty spaces of my heart,
with pleasurable joy, and purpose
as no money, no gold can buy a mind with a heart -

of priceless, infinite memories,
your lastly memories –

the infinite universe within
and makes me full when I dive blissful in.

A thought shoot forth

A thought shoot forth
as a

bud from a seed
from a

field empty of thoughts
put forth

all seeds of wishes
from emptiness

a shoot of a
plant a

bud-thought shoot forth
from seed

all thoughts shoot forth
from thee

so, all thoughts flee
to see. 

If only my right hand could write

If only my right hand could write
what my lonely heart would say tonight
If only my blight dreams might
Shine bright, and me and thee unite:
If only my left hand tonite
couldn't write like my right hand abright,
then I would write with any hand albright
about thee in me unite.

I'm That! Who is That?

I'm That! Who is That?
Is That - All there is - to be too?
Then that makes us two!
But better no say - they wouldn't know That!

How sad - too bad - not to know That!
How common - like to summon a Joe Doe -
To rationalize That - but to not cognize That -
The tale of woe, of the ignorance foe!

As in Pentecost's day, thy Holly Spirit send

We all are social beings altogether,
We all collaborate in doing things together -
We all gather and travel, in the same train of life,
With kids or wife, or with no kids, some strife
for a better life. We all receive what life brings altogether:

If adversities bring you to your knees,
You are not less, if success from you flees.
As long as you still live, free will to receive exist,
As long as you have choices, no bad choices persist to exist -
And the foes of choices, of John doe didst flees.

As any living being's suffering, is my own,
Because I care for the humankind as my own,
And I dare despise any living's suffering or any living's end
So, I dare exhort thee, as in Pentecost's day, thy Holly Spirit send,
So, we collectively blend in, to receive your own.

For we all as social beings gather altogether,
In the train of life we gather, to receive thee together.

Is life worth living?

Is life worth living?
Struggling all the time to survive?
Desiring for the elusive success to arrive?
Alone today and tomorrow, dreaming
To always endure and strive,
All the time hoping, wanting, desiring...

Wishing not to incur in diminishing or killing -
The explosions of bliss that I let be,
And the peace that invades all of me -
Amidst adversities, in deep lonely feeling,
While seeking, seeing, and tasting thee...
Like diving deep in refreshing waters and seeing

That which is hidden
That which was sleeping,
Tasting the sweet awareness of awaking,
Observing the unseeing, the no-longer forbidden
Fruit of living blissful-happiness… but for not-succeeding
In wealth...I succeed in finding the treasure hidden. 

Come with me to a place without limitations

Come with me, to a place
Where the still waters of the pond of the mind,
Reflects clearly the soul and all that is kind,
Where no fear and human kindness are embrace,

Come with me, to a place with no time or space
Where grace spreads, as joy the mind unbind,
Where the dark stream of corruption, taint not the human race,
Where grit and passion, unveils the blindness of the blind;

Come with me to a place without limitations that your love unwind
Where the human mind has not been blinded by greed,
And where words and actions are fulfilled in thy creed,
For thou art the seed of freedom that ignorance bind;

Come with me to, a place where the divine within, never is unkind
Where I breathe with your breath and our divinity us remind.

I'll seek to meet you again in moments of eons with thee. 

You stayed as long as the moon in a cloudy night
or as the day light abandons the bright crepuscle
or las the evening light comes and becomes twilight
You stayed as long as the minuscule size of a corpuscle

But you shouldn't stay longer... just stay and linger
as your time in seconds measure eons and millenniums for me
I think I couldn't stand so much grand pleasure any longer
I'll seek to meet you again in moments of eons with thee. 

Thoughts stay sweet to meet thee

Thoughts astray to a fleet of owners,
and feet to the runners - losers or winners -
actions to the doers, discreet or indiscreet,
children to the teachers and preachers they meet,

wolves stray to the pack for the prey
through Nature the foes stay and obey,
though all things in life today they stay
though all things are made of clay,

all because thoughts stay sweet to meet thee
with all things thou give within me
no foes are woes and all is gold
in an inner-life that gives friends or foes multi-fold. 

Faith is

Faith is the well-orchestrated music masterpiece within oneself-
That performs in one's consciousness -
And transforms into the true-self's awareness -
And fully awakens our-self - apiece of our real-self -

And harmoniously - in one's soul - is experienced -
And blissfully, and joyously is aware perceived -
That a wish to hope transformed, and to reality blossoming
That some believing becomes awesome receiving -

We've heard it in churches', in temples', and in philharmonic choirs -
And in the chirping, and well-orchestrated singing -
of Goldfinches', and Robin's, and black birds' whistling -
In oneness in the wilderness - in our soul's music whispering memoirs -

in the swinging, and flapping in the cage of the non-self,
in the tingling awaken in the forsaken true-self -
in the feeling and believing from your soul
in the accepting, of getting yours with mine entwined with "the all":

Faith is the well-orchestrated music masterpiece within oneself-
That performs in one's consciousness -
And transforms into the true-self's awareness -
And fully awakens our-self - apiece of our real-self.

My soul rejoices when I am fully-awake

My soul rejoices when I am fully-awake
Of the inner journey when I am aware:
Of the peace within for you are there;
But beware the infinite infinity is not fake:
Beyond the source of thoughts is bliss what we take
And the elusive transcendence is where;
From somewhere thy love brought joy to partake -
Like Sunday communion we ought take
your love, everywhere.

Believe In your True Self

Believe in your true self
For if all in you, one day disappears,
Awesome true beauty in you then appears
When its duty is to blossom in tears, as the self.

Believe in your true self
For when we are no more
True beauty, true self, yourself, myself
Is one, is all, no less but much more.

Reveal yourself to heal myself

Reveal yourself to heal myself,
Oh, hidden forbidden treasures, for much needed measures -
Not such pressures of gold, rubies, and opals for wordily pleasures
But, really lasting pleasures, to taste in the everlasting self -

A timid taste of divine intoxicating fantasies
Not like wine, but like exhilarating elixir to me haste -
As a lover's divine quest, with the best taste
As a devotee's heart, with warrantees of divines phrensies:

Reveal yourself to heal myself,
As I give you my all, to forgive and give my best,
And the rest, is the whole in the part, for the test,
To taste the everlasting self.

Had I given myself totally to you

Had I given myself totally to you,
Unconditionally with mind, soul and body
Totally into you, with blind faith in you
And be my seed and my creed and my need of your body,

I would yield my whole self to you and kiss your feet:
But I, being me, have my shield, but I miss thee;
So I've been feeling the sweetness of being under your feet;
So I've given all my feelings and sweetness to thee. 

My heart rejoices when I see

My heart rejoices when I see
Any multi-coloured cloud formation:
So was when I was growing in another nation;
So it was when I grew up here with thee;
And so it is now I grew older under another sky
And so it will be when death calls me,
But when I was born with fire in thee! -
All clouds and colors of the sky
I see, make my heart rejoice
When I see thee in every formation or choice
I make under any sky.

Are you awake, are you aware? 

Are you awake, are you aware? 
I mean fully awake, fully aware, do you dare? 
Are you dully alive within when you dive,
Deep in your awareness?
Do you cognize what you give, and receive?
I perceive you, I touch you in fullness,
You feel me, I feel you, and you give
Me yourself, like in total surrender in wholeness.
You cover me with yourself to live,
And be, and exist within you, like oneness.
Who are you? You or me - entangled in oneness?
What are you - unbounded, and infinite with me in thee?

So much depends upon you and me

So far, very far we've travel
So long we've waited in the gravel
To be
Here right now, right here with me
Suspended in the near infinite space
With no space, in the race
For freedom
And the annihilation of boredom
Of not being
Of not seeing, of no experiencing
Here beside me, occupying the same space
And realizing with thee, the true beauty of the human race.
So much depends upon you and me
To be me, to be you with thee. 

Let me help you remove the pitch dark darkness

I don’t feed from you, and I don't need you
To make me feel whole,
I rely on me to be complete, to be whole;
I feel full with no loophole without you,

Like a candlelight in the night,
Removes the pitch dark darkness,
The light, the seed of my own removes my own darkness;
And no hole, no need remains unfilled at night

But when you light bright without fight, then, and only then
Your own light will suffice
And when your flame lights along with my flame, you'll then suffice
Then we'll be one and only one long light, then, and only then.

I'll need to feed from you...because two wholes’, two fulfilled souls
Are one bright light, one body, one oversoul, not two souls.